What’s New in the Dean’s Office

Alexa Estrada, Writer

As we bring in a new school year, we also welcome new staff and returning staff to new positions around the school. Former Social Studies teacher Mr. Gomez has now become one of the deans, replacing Ms. Holman, who retired. The deans office takes on tasks crucial to our school’s social balance and overall stability.  We spoke to our deans, and they gave us some insight into what goes on in their very busy office. The office stated, “The deans office can get hectic, but we do it to keep order throughout our school, and instill peace in our students.”

 After seeing the workload our Oak Forest deans take on day to day, we better appreciate everything that they do to keep our school in order. We also owe a big thank you to our attendance secretary and the secretary to the deans. They see the commotion that goes on in the dean’s office on a daily basis and work hard to make sure that all matters regarding students attendance and behavior are in check. Let us all welcome our new dean, Mr. Gomez, with the Bengal Spirit he already knows so well. Here’s to a great school year ahead of us.