My high school is filled with diverse people, and the school also represents heritages at events like the Cultural Fair. I love learning about other countries and cultures besides mine. I’m looking forward to interacting with people with different heritages instead just sticking to mine. It’s already difficult for people to make friends, but self-doubt during my freshman and sophomore years played a part. My doubts were along these lines: “If only if my Spanish was perfect.” “If only I were strong and not shy.” “I wish I had multiple friends.” “Sometimes it seems that people only want to be friends within their racial group.” This year, I started to understand more of what comes to mind about society and its desires. I just wish that there were more people in this school that would also be like me. Besides hanging out and sticking with your own culture, people would also be talking to other groups. I still feel honored, being the type of person who would do this, and it hurts me to see what people from various heritages go through.
Is it all in my head? Am I just jumping to conclusions? Whether my observations are true or not, I will still continue to love and support other people from different backgrounds and show how much I care about countries besides mine. People other than me, all around the country, go through a lot, and different cultures go through their own suffering, to which I can relate. It makes me sad to see people go through tragic incidents, health scares, and family emergencies. No matter what, I will continue to show support.